ProComply is the first and foremost company offering regulatory compliance services to US energy companies subject to compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) rules and regulations and the Standards and Requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). Our network of energy professionals bring decades of experience in natural gas and electricity operations, finance, regulatory compliance, tariff administration and performance management.
Currently, ProComply offers services related to both FERC and NERC, as follows:
ProComply offers three primary areas of services to our extensive list of clientele:
Our online courses are designed specifically to reduce the likelihood of a violation of FERC/NERC violations because we collaborate with our clients to produce highly detailed and customized content specific to each company's compliance policies and procedures.
More on FERC training...
More on NERC training...
Compliance assessments, including full third-party audit services are offered to enable clients to ascertain their compliance status with each sub-element of FERC/NERC rules. Our reports include both risk management evaluations as well as compliance recommendations based on years of developing Best Practices across the industry. We can also train our client's internal audit personnel on how to conduct annual audits. More info...
Compliance Programs
In addition to assessing FERC/NERC compliance, ProComply has designed highly effective compliance programs, including corporate policy development and manuals/guidelines that feature implementation procedures to enable policy objectives. More info...
For a complete listing of ProComply courses available, see our Course Catalogue.
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